Guidelines for Public Meetings

The following procedures will apply in respect of attendance of the public at Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board Limited (APESB) meetings:

  1. Melbourne based meetings of APESB will be held in the APESB offices located on Level 11, 99 William Street, Melbourne, Victoria.
  2. The availability of space for the public gallery is limited. As such, those wishing to attend meetings are requested to notify their attendance at least 2 business days in advance. This can be done via the website by completing the online registration form applicable to the respective board meeting date.
  3. The limitation of capacity means that:
    • Unless there are unusual circumstances, we would prefer that no more than two people from the same organisation attend;
    • Those who register in advance will be given priority to the available seating
  4. Members of the public gallery will be asked to sign in on arrival at the meeting.
  5. The meeting agenda and anticipated running order will be posted on the APESB website approximately one week before each meeting.  Changes to the agenda will be posted as they become known. The order of the agenda items may be changed at a meeting. APESB does not accept any responsibility for losses or inconvenience caused by changes to the timing or difficulties in accommodating members of the public.
  6. APESB reserves the right to discuss items in private. These will normally be administrative or personnel matters. All discussion pertaining to standards (including publication of associated agenda papers) will be in public.
  7. Highlights from the meeting will be posted on the APESB website within two weeks of the meeting date.
  8. Members of the public gallery must observe only, unless invited to comment by the chairman. Observers are asked not to operate mobile telephones or recording equipment in the meeting room, or to talk to others in the gallery whilst the meeting is in progress.
  9. Coffee and tea facilities are available. Members of the public gallery are required to make their own luncheon and travel arrangements. Car parking is available at the following sites:
    • AMP Square 535 Bourke Street
    • Bourke Place 600 Bourke Street
    • Merrits Place 548-558 Little Bourke Street
    • 570 Bourke Street
    • 542 Little Bourke Street
    • 123 Queen Street

    If travelling by public transport, the APESB offices are conveniently located close to Southern Cross train station and are also serviced by the number 11, 12, 48, 86, 96 and 109 trams.

  10. APESB does not provide telephone, fax, or copying facilities for members of the public gallery.